The Benefits of Arts EducationArt Education benefits the student because it cultivates the whole child, gradually building many kinds of literacy while developing intuition, reasoning, imagination, and dexterity into unique Forms of expression and communication. This process requires not merely an active mind but a trained one.
An education in the art benefits society because students of the arts gain powerful tools for understanding human experiences, both past and present.
They learn to respect the often very different ways others have of thinking, working, and expressing themselves.
They learn to make decisions in situations where there are no standard answers.
By studying the arts, students stimulate their natural creativity and learn to develop it to meet the needs of a complex and competitive society.
And, as study and competence in the arts reinforce one other, the joy of learning becomes real, tangible, and powerful…”
Children Art Tutor,Fine Art Artist
Central Academy Of Art (Graphic Design)
Top Art School of Art & Design
(Children’s Art Teacher Training Course)